
  • Unlock the Domain

1. Sign in to your Namecheap account.

2. Select the Domain List from the navigation menu.

3. On the transferring domain, click on Manage.

4. In the domain details, go to the Sharing & Transfer tab.

5. Look for the Transfer Out section, and click Unlock to unlock the domain.

  • Obtain the Authorization/EPP Code

1. Sign in to your Namecheap account.

2. Select the Domain List from the navigation menu.

3. On the transferring domain, click on Manage.

4. In the domain details, go to the Sharing & Transfer tab.

5. Look for the Transfer Out section, and click on the AUTH CODE button to get the Authorization code.


  • Choose Transfer Domain

Enter Web Space Kit, and under Get a Domain, choose to Transfer a Domain.

  • Enter Domain name and EPP Code

1. On the Transfer Domain page, enter your Domain name and the Authorization/EPP Code obtained from your old registrar.

2. Click Order Now to initiate the transfer process.

  • Complete Purchase

To make the transfer to WSK, complete the purchase by getting a one-year extension on WSK. Once paid, the domain transfer process is halfway done.


  • Wait for Transfer completion

Namecheap doesn’t prefer to display the status of outgoing domain transfers. So the status of the transfer will not be visible in the Namecheap account. But they will notify you on whether the domain transfer is approved or not. 

Once you are notified about the transfer approval, all you need to do is wait for the official Transfer Completion Email from WSK, which may take up to a couple of business days.



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